Last Thursday (following the fashion show) I was lucky enough to be invited along to a show I otherwise would never have found. Just round the corner from Marble Arch is Gallery 32, a culturally exciting location as it is attached to the Brazilian embassy. I say exciting as here I suppose we see the artists which fill Brazil with pride, and are being thrown into the London art scene to define and contextualise art in Brazil. Thursday hosted the private view of sculptor Estela Sokol’s latest work- Secret Forest.
The setting was exceptionally fitting to the work, almost mirroring the artists studio in her home country (below) with porthole skylights striking a resemblance with the geometric work. Her use of functional almost industrial acrylics is done in a sincere and emotional way. The highlight of this artist and her work is the lack of pretence, the experimentation and the joy she seems to take from the whole process. Naturally I was drawn to the photographic piece, though concerned by the level of noise I was totally engaged by the content and large format pinned to the wall form. The show runs until the 15th of July.

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